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CA strain for 240227210821858768

---  normal mode 10  ---

This graph displays the distance variation between successive pairs of CA atoms in the two extreme conformations that were computed for this mode (DQMIN/DQMAX). Large distance variations can be an indicator for residue pairs that support the important strain in that particular normal mode movement. Note that residue pairs between chain breaks or at flexible ends of the protein may also exhibit large CA-CA distance variations. If more than one residues ae grouped together into a rigid block (NRBL>1), CA-CA distance variations between CA atoms in the same block will be very low.

This feature is still experimental and will be further developped in the future.

CA iCA i+1vari
GLU 338VAL 339 0.0121
VAL 339ASN 340 -0.0217
ASN 340LEU 341 0.0222
LEU 341ASP 342 -0.0106
ASP 342ARG 343 0.0144
ARG 343TYR 344 0.0272
TYR 344GLN 345 -0.0330
GLN 345THR 346 -0.0318
THR 346ALA 347 -0.1296
ALA 347LEU 348 0.0332
LEU 348GLU 349 0.0737
GLU 349GLU 350 -0.1569
GLU 350VAL 351 -0.0336
VAL 351LEU 352 0.0273
LEU 352SER 353 0.0187
SER 353TRP 354 -0.1729
TRP 354LEU 355 0.0173
LEU 355LEU 356 0.0925
LEU 356SER 357 0.0030
SER 357ALA 358 -0.1005
ALA 358GLU 359 0.0343
GLU 359ASP 360 -0.0331
ASP 360THR 361 0.0699
THR 361LEU 362 -0.1302
LEU 362GLN 363 -0.1650
GLN 363ALA 364 -0.1381
ALA 364GLN 365 0.3043
GLN 365GLY 366 -0.3841
GLY 366GLU 367 0.2043
GLU 367ILE 368 0.0944
ILE 368SER 369 0.1503
SER 369ASN 370 0.0909
ASN 370ASP 371 -0.0184
ASP 371VAL 372 -0.0527
VAL 372GLU 373 -0.0402
GLU 373VAL 374 0.0491
VAL 374VAL 375 -0.0682
VAL 375LYS 376 -0.0535
LYS 376ASP 377 0.1022
ASP 377GLN 378 0.0234
GLN 378PHE 379 -0.0381
PHE 379HIS 380 0.0102
HIS 380THR 381 0.1130
THR 381HIS 382 -0.0137
HIS 382GLU 383 -0.0542
GLU 383GLU 383 0.0070
GLU 383GLY 384 0.0831
GLY 384TYR 385 -0.2046
TYR 385MET 386 0.0127
MET 386MET 387 0.1132
MET 387ASP 388 -0.1684
ASP 388LEU 389 -0.0109
LEU 389THR 390 -0.0189
THR 390ALA 391 -0.1026
ALA 391HIS 392 -0.0602
HIS 392GLN 393 -0.0491
GLN 393GLY 394 -0.0071
GLY 394ARG 395 -0.1196
ARG 395VAL 396 -0.0533
VAL 396GLY 397 0.1132
GLY 397ASN 398 -0.1927
ASN 398ILE 399 -0.0309
ILE 399LEU 400 -0.0387
LEU 400GLN 401 -0.0581
GLN 401LEU 402 -0.0750
LEU 402GLY 403 -0.0761
GLY 403SER 404 -0.1314
SER 404LYS 405 0.0204
LYS 405LEU 406 -0.0384
LEU 406ILE 407 -0.1565
ILE 407GLY 408 -0.0614
GLY 408THR 409 -0.0036
THR 409GLY 410 0.0331
GLY 410LYS 411 -0.0856
LYS 411LEU 412 -0.1404
LEU 412SER 413 0.1231
SER 413GLU 414 -0.0413
GLU 414ASP 415 -0.0466
ASP 415GLU 416 0.0084
GLU 416GLU 417 0.0359
GLU 417THR 418 -0.0623
THR 418GLU 419 -0.0085
GLU 419VAL 420 0.0387
VAL 420GLN 421 0.0085
GLN 421GLU 422 -0.1136
GLU 422GLN 423 0.0466
GLN 423MET 424 0.0203
MET 424ASN 425 -0.1279
ASN 425LEU 426 0.0593
LEU 426LEU 427 -0.0499
LEU 427ASN 428 -0.0505
ASN 428SER 429 -0.0556
SER 429ARG 430 0.1138
ARG 430TRP 431 -0.1113
TRP 431GLU 432 -0.0891
GLU 432CYS 433 0.0785
CYS 433LEU 434 0.0865
LEU 434ARG 435 -0.0777
ARG 435VAL 436 0.0175
VAL 436ALA 437 0.1421
ALA 437SER 438 0.0038
SER 438MET 439 -0.0534
MET 439GLU 440 0.1351
GLU 440LYS 441 0.0657
LYS 441GLN 442 0.0738
GLN 442SER 443 0.1049
SER 443ASN 444 0.0640
ASN 444LEU 445 -0.0142
LEU 445HIS 446 0.1377
HIS 446ARG 447 0.1634
ARG 447VAL 448 -0.0679
VAL 448LEU 449 0.0319
LEU 449MET 450 0.1426
MET 450ASP 451 -0.0805
ASP 451LEU 452 -0.0513
LEU 452GLN 453 0.0638

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elNémo is maintained by Yves-Henri Sanejouand.
It was developed by Karsten Suhre.
Between 2003 and 2014, it was hosted by IGS (Marseille).
Last modification: April 25th, 2023.